Archetype by Vga

Archetype by Vga

Archetype is conceived as a symbol of a new perspective for the design of complex structures that AATC and the VGA studio share: a vision of the architectural project where technology and digital innovation meet in a sustainable process, effectively combining prefabrication and customization, industrial production processes and craftsmanship.

The name Archetype refers to the modular structure of the installation but also plays with the meaning of the archetype as a primordial image.

The structure designed by VGA Architects is conceived as an object for the public, which visitors can touch and experience, interacting freely in a playful and sensorial exchange.

Archetype is a project of great impact, a majestic marble architecture shaped like a parallelepiped with a square base measuring 3x3x6 mt with a monolithic aesthetic hiding a modular structure. The basic prototype of the installation is a block of Grolla di Chiampo, an elegant marble with a minute and compact grain but extremely resistant, left in its raw state and processed only on some faces, to represent the encounter between the material in its natural state and the project, in an ideal reference to Michelangelo’s Pietà Rondanini, a masterpiece preserved inside the Castello.

Studio VGA

Vittorio Grassi Architects studio comprises an us international team of architects, urban planners and interior designers, who conceive and develop a wide variety of projects: from urban planning to public building projects, residential complexes, offices and commercial spaces all over the world.